VIDEO: How we foster inclusiveness, support, respect, and co-building in our work

on June 19, 2019
VIDEO: How we foster inclusiveness, support, respect, and co-building in our work

With the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Gold Leaf Prize presentation ceremony now here, we’re happy to share the first of two videos showcasing the reflections we submitted during the Gold Leaf nomination process. For both videos, we’ve asked CREST.BD network members and peer researchers to describe personal experiences, insights, and professional reflections that demonstrate CREST.BD’s contributions to, and alignment with the principles of, the science of patient engagement.

In today’s video, CREST.BD peer researchers Amir and Natasha Kolida, and network members Victoria Maxwell and Melinda Suto, illustrate how CREST.BD embodies the CIHR patient engagement framework by sharing their personal experiences and reflections from working with CREST.BD. The patient engagement framework, a facet of Canada’s Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR), outlines the guiding principles of SPOR: inclusivity, support, mutual respect, and co-building.


“I’ve never doubted the equal footing philosophy CREST.BD encapsulates, as they constantly seek out to empower the diversity of voices involved in their research. They always make sure my skills are being utilized to their fullest capacity, while also maintaining an environment to support my health.” —Natasha Kolida, CREST.BD Peer Researcher

In our second video, CREST.BD Network Members and Executive Director & CEO of Hope and Me – Mood Disorders Association of Ontario discuss the impact that CREST.BD has made in the everyday lives of people living with bipolar disorder.

To learn more about CREST.BD, the CIHR Gold Leaf Prize, and reflections from our team, visit our website to read the full news release:

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